Become a supporter! Donate!

Glocalize Yourself is a private enterprise and is not funded by any government agency. Therefore in order to maintain and constantly improve the quality of services it must sustain itself with your subscriptions as members of its community. In order to further expand the development of services and provide better tools to its users, GY needs your support.

Whether you are an individual wishing to make a donation or a company seeking sponsorship opportunities, your support is invaluable to us and the Glocalize Yourself community.

Glocalize Yourself has identified projects and objectives to be achieved with the help of supporters.
For each project described below, there is a bar that allows you to make donations in just a few easy steps. Each project involves an estimated economic target to be achieved to make its implementation possible.
Wherever possible, GY invites any potential technical sponsors to make contact for the eventual supply of materials, tools and equipment useful to the realization of a project.

Total : EUR

Become a GY supporter and donate today!