Glocal Eyes - Blog

Museums, places to visit, theaters, cultural and historical information, events.
A few years ago, walking through the Ostiense area you wouldn’t have found the vibrant populous neighborhood that exists there today.

There are many lessons to learn when living in Rome but possibly most important is this: usually just a five-minute walk away from any major monument will take you to a restaurant, bar, or neighborhood that is full of local finds. One of our favorite examples of this is the neighborhood of Monti.

Rome has always had a continuous relationship with water: the Tiber river runs right through the center of the city, and even the geological structure of the soil has shed light on numerous sources of water throughout the past.

Strolling through the city's historical center, one continuously encounters the multitude of artistic, historical and spiritual patrimony that seems to be at every street corner and piazza of Rome.

Rome is the Italian capital and one of the cultural epicenters of the entire nation.
It has a variety of diverse personalities which become evident through the mixture of neighborhoods that comprise the Eternal City.

While walking through the center of Rome, surrounded by monuments such as the Pantheon and the Colosseum, it's hard to avoid the ancient history of Rome.
There is no doubt that Rome's long history is one of it's greatest strengths and while the center of Rome is the heart and soul of ancient history, Rome's more modern history can be found in other parts of the city.