Glocal Eyes - Blog

We are launching a new kind of articles: the Experiences.

Glocalize Yourself is dedicated to helping those coming from around the globe to experience Rome through a local’s eyes.
We are excited to announce the launch of the “Experiences" articles written by our members in order for them to express their involvement and talk about seeing Rome through ‘Glocal Eyes’.
This is a very inspiring time for our organization because we are cultivating new ways of viewing Italy by molding together the thoughts and ideas of the globals and locals.
To be able to see the perspective of our members is enhancing what we do at Glocalize Yourself.
Not only will these articles highlight what Glocalize Yourself has been able to provide for its members, but they will also be useful for current and future participants.
The launch of experience articles is the start of bringing together more people by sharing what other globals have seen firsthand while immersing themselves in the local culture.
This will be a great opportunity for suggestions to be provided for readers in order to allow their experiences in Rome to be all the more fulfilling and unique.